Emerging Pictures’ venue partners are finding ways to give their Opera-loving audience a way to appreciate the La Scala series even more. The Charles Theatre in Baltimore welcomes local opera aficionado Jonathan Palevsky, Program Director at WBJC a non-commercial, classical music and arts radio station, who will introduce the 7 p.m. AIDA screening at the Charles on Sunday evening, December 9. He stopped by and did a brief introduction at the December 6th 2 o’clock screening.
Check it out here
Do you know if they have chosen the date yet for TRISTAN UND ISOLDE?
I attended the AIDA in Illinois, and went during a matinee showing. There were probably only 30 people in attendance. I hope that hasn’t hurt the chances of them showing TRISTAN. These La Scala At The Movies need some more advertising or something.
Cheers from Chilly Chicago,
Beth ,
Thank you for attending the Aida from La Scala.
Tristan und Isolde will be playing at the Raue Center for the Arts in Crystal Lake on January 27th.
So far no other Chicago area venues have confirmed dates. Please check our website’s operas section for updates.
Thanks so much for responding on the TRISTAN. What a disappointment that so far no other Illinois theatres have signed up for it. Crystal Lake is quite a hike from the city, but to see Waltraud will be worth it. I will keep checking the other sites, and maybe even call some of the theatres.
The lack of venues for La Scala is extremely disappointing. I am in Minneapolis, a place where we can see the Met in at least 4 theatres with big audiences. The ONLY Minnesota venue for La Scala’s Aida was in Rochester(90 miles). The report i got was an audience of about 40 with almost no advertising. No more broadcasts are scheduled.Why is La Scala so difficult to see? Tristan was 400 miles away!
I agree that the lack of La Scala venues is very disappointing. I have seen virtually no advertising. Living in Chicago, you’d think it would be easy to get an audience to it – – the MET movies are very popular. But TRISTAN was only at 1 theatre, some 50 miles out of the city. It was a beautiful theater, but only about 15 people were in attendance. For such a spectacular performance, and such an exciting new medium in which to experience opera, this is really a shame.
I need to ask another question to anybody who might know … do you think this La Scala “Tristan” will ever be released on DVD?
I attended your showing of Aida at the Criterion in Santa Monica, California but have not found any information about any future screenings in the La Scala Opera series. Will you have any venues in the Los Angels area? Can you publicize more?
Note: The Metropolitan Opera events are at several venues and are sold out.
La Traviata will soon be opening in Los Angeles and Chicago areas . New theaters have also expressed interest in showing Tristan und Isolde after they saw the great article in the New York Times last week about the Symphony Space presentation in New York . Please check our participating theaters page next week.
We are actively looking for new venues all over – any suggestions welcome – especially cultural centers/ performing arts centers- so please , if you are interested in getting Trisatn und Isolde near you , let your local venue know.
Thank you again all for your support and interest in our Opera series .
We would love to see any of the La Scala performances, especially Maria Stuarda, but the closest theatres are in Reno or Napa, which are about 600 miles away from us in Portland, Oregon. The Met HD broadcasts regularly sell out here, so it is painful for me to read that some of the La Scala performances are screened to less than 30 people elsewhere. Is there any chance that they would show the La Scala performances here?
Many opera lovers in the Detroit and Ann Arbor MI area would attend the La Scala opera films if we could ever find
out when they are showing. There has been no publicity and calls to the theaters are met with response of ” we know nothing”. We wanted to see Aida and Tristan as well as up coming films.
Why is the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor
not showing these operas?
In response to Faith’s posting – we have indeed proposed the series to the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor but they have for now declined to participate – all operas are available to them and they have the right equipment in place – they might just be looking for more interest by the local community . We will also contact other venues in Ann Arbor – interestingly enough , after the orchestra from La Scala – the Filarmonica della Scala – toured the US a few months ago , , their managing director told me that the people in Ann Arbor gave them one of the warmest receptions they experienced in America
Note that there are now 4 theaters in Michigan that will be showing La Traviata and Maria Stuarda shortly – there is one in Canton and one in Novi, which I see from Mapquest are not that far from Ann Arbor -please check our participating theaters page . There will also be ads in local publications for these shows . The theaters were hesitant to show Tristan und Isolde , but they still could show it later as well.
Giovanni, Thanks for the information re Michigan venues. I had earlier called the Canton theater, but they didn’t know the dates of the showings.
There has been no publicity in the area for the films so if the attendance is low it may be because no one knows about it.
I would like to attend the upcoming opera performances at the Criterion theater in Santa Monica but cannot find any information as to the schedule or how to get tickets, ets.
Met shoes are sold out in Prov. RI area. I cannot find any info about dates and times on your website. There is one theater in Newport but no info about operas. Full page ad in Opera News also lists no dates or times.
We have many of the dates now posted on our “Participating Theaters ” page on this site.
Santa Monica has La Traviata scheduled for 3/26, and Maria Stuarda on 4/30
In New port , the Jane Pickens Theater has Maria Stuarda on 3/16 and Forza del Destino on 4/7
Note that each theater can set its own times and dates and so it is important to check their local site as well .
We realize that many do not have the information on their site and we will be contacting them to have them updated.
I had read that Maria Stuarda would be presented by Emerging Pictures in March, 2008. If so, where in the Chicagoland area and when? Haven’t had an opportunity to attend one of the movie theatre presentations but it sounds like a great format for Grand opera.
How do theater owners/managers join La Scala network? We have two theaters in Portland (Oregon) showing the Met, but nothing for La Scala.
Boy would I love to see the La Scala opera in Lakewood Ranch/Sarasota, FL. St. Petersburg is sort of close but it would be nice to have the screenings right here at the Sarasota Film Society. The Met series is and was sold out here.
Not one of the La Scala DVD productions has been shown in Oregon or Washington (state) this year. I am willing to talk to the operator of the theater here in Portland that shows the Met live HD simulcasts. But I fear we will need to offer some promotional materials to make certain that the theater will continue to offer this fine product (I saw Maria Stuarda in New York). Do these promo materials exist? Is there anything else I can do to further this effort in the Pacific Northwest?
Emerging Pictures–PLEASE–encore!!
The Frontier Cafe in Brunswick, Maine, carried the La Scala and La Fenice opera broadcasts. Attendance grew considerably as the word got out. The atmosphere at Frontier is wonderful–you can sip a glass of wine as you watch the opera.
We loved it–the productions were far better than the Met’s, I thought.
Please–let the Frontier Cafe show your opera broadcasts next season. The idea of having truly grand opera in a small coastal town in Maine is wonderful.
Many thanks!
In agreement with Beth’s comment above–I too would love a DVD of the Tristan–it was beautiful.
And it is true–the Met simulcasts are sold out in a commercial theatre in Brunswick, too–they open 2 theatres with a total of about 700 seats.
The difference is publicity–the Met has millions to spend on its national publicity campaign and the Saturday afternoon radio broadcasts live from the Met have existed for about 60 years.
Maybe we can all help our small local theatres by contacting the arts editor of our local newspapers and requesting reviews and articles about the La Scala broadcasts…If your local theatre doesn’t air the broadcasts, give the Emerging pictures info to the manager and ask him to consider it. Grass roots efforts really can work!
Another potential Michigan viewer: I just stumbled across a web mention of replays of several of the La Scala operas, including FORZA (the one my wife wants to see the most), in July 2008, in Massachusetts. Don’t suppose there are any similar repeats in the midwest?
I’ve corresponded with Giovanni about this before. I consider myself a highly motivated potential viewer of these operas, and a skilled Internet digger with years of experience — yet finding out what is happening with the La Scala series is far too difficult.
(Heck, it wasn’t until I started digging today that I could find out that there was GOING TO BE a 2008-2009 season for the La Scala shows.)
What I want is a web setup which (1) lays out the ENTIRE La Scala season schedule, probably including repeats — with updates as things progress — and (2) has a theater finder which takes a zip code and returns theaters within, say, 100 miles.
The Met’s series (and their distributor) has this.