Inspired by Gerald Peary’s new doc ” For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism,” and the current crisis in legit film criticism, I’ve compiled a page of links to the film critics that matter to me. You can find the page here. At some point I’d like to to develop this into a live feed that combines the latest articles by these critics in one place. If there’s anyone out there who would like to help me do this, please let me know. In the meantime, I’m open to suggestions about who is missing from this list. Are there archives on line of critics who are no longer with us? I’d like to make this as useful as possible.
Just for the sake of clarity, these are not critics I necessarily agree with, but they are people I think are serious and worth reading. I’ve both loved and hated all of them at one point or another.
The suggestions are flooding in, and it’s clear that this list is woefully incomplete. I’ll be adding all legitimate suggestions as I can get to them. This is no longer to be thought of as MY list.
Great idea.
Great content.
Of course, this undermines the business models of the publications that pay their salaries.
Why get the New Yorker or the NY Times if one can go to a site that amalgamates
all of the content of high end film reviews in one do the entities that pay these critics their salaries benefit.
More eyeballs?
For who?
How does their ad base benefit from this content migrating to other sites?
How many people do you know who read the NY Times on the web and don’t
spend the $800 a year for a paper edition delivered to their home.
Mitchell Block
Of course, all valid questions. As the traditional print media are doing their own migration to the web, my only worry is that these voices get lost amid all the clutter on the web. Without being presumptuous, if I can help to point them out to audiences, all the better.
Thanks for the list. I wish that we’d see more of Dave Kehr in the mainstream media. The occasional piece on DVD releases in the NY Times is not enough. I can’t believe that Dave isn’t one of the principal critics for the Times.
Mark Huber
read this site:
All crits composed by a writer who is serious and worth reading and whom you will love and hate at the same time.